Saturday, April 21, 2007


We're now in Kochi having made it via Chennai (Madras). Chennai was good but we had a run in with a dodgy auto rickshaw driver who didn't know where he was going but wouldn't let us get out til he found a police car. He then told us to get out and complained to the police that we hadn't paid. Of course we hadn't - we were further away than when we started! After an argument and a few "f words" to the police woman (don't think I would have got away with that in the UK) we were left to walk away unchallenged...
We're staying in an incredibly clean place in Kochi Fort....they are very tourist friendly here and it seems very unlike the rest of India from what we've seen so far...with the possible exception of Bangalore. This morning we were invited for pull up the huge fishing nets they have here....for a pretty pitiful catch!


Blogger Peter Lamb said...

My map doesn't show Kochi: could Cochin be an alternative name?

8:23 pm  
Blogger Ed said...

Yep. Lots of places have 2 names - the old colonial one and the Indian one...I'm assuming that is what it is. But if your map says Chennai rather than Madras and Mumbai rather than Bombay then the mystery continues...!

12:07 pm  
Blogger Peter Lamb said...

My map shows Madras as Madras and Bombay as Bombay (Mumbai). It doesn't show Varkala nor anything like it, but I presume you are working your way northwards up the west coast of India, towards Bombay. Are you now north or south of Goa?

11:03 pm  

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