Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Last couple of days...

Still struggling with imgaes but we've certainly got some amazing ones in the last couple of days. Our first day here we explored until we went to Angkor Wat at sunset...it was a great site (even, I say that having thought the guidebooks must be going over the top). We were back there by 5:30am the following day to see the sunrise over it - it made for great viewing even if it did feel like we were adding to a rediculous tourist stampede. The Japanese were the funniest...they would set up all their cameras to take the "money shot"as the sun rose over the wat, and then someone would shout that they had the perfect spot so they'd all go running over there. One time the perfect spot was were Michelle was so she then was fearful of moving incase she got in a photo accidentally!

We spent the day being driven by our faithful Tuk Tuk driver, Hinda, from temple to temple and getting some amazing photos...i'll put a couple up when I find a good internet cafe. We had some great fun with some of the kids offering us things to buy but it was also heart wrenching when you had to say no. There was one poor girl who saw me and made me promise to buy a drink from her, but when I went back I couldn't see her. Just when I had bought from her friend, she returned and looked totally crestfallen that I hadn't bought from her...."but you promised". It was awful but she smiled as we left as everyone does here - it's incredibly friendly it seems to me.

The kids are very persuasive in their attempts to get you to buy...when I say that I don't want to buy anything they say "you want nothing? Nothing costs 10 dollars - this book costs only 3!". When I say my name is Ed they point at their head and laugh at my rediculous name of "Head"! And when you say you come from London they say "luverly jubberly" and "top banana"!! Needless to say we've ended up with a couple of recorders, a T-shirt each, a bracelet and a load of postcards we didn't really need just to put them out of their misery...

Today we took a boat and saw the floating village - it was incredible to see the people living like that...they mah live in floating houses but the vast majority had TV cables which I found amusing. We then went on to the Land Mines Museum where we were taken around by a land mines victim who explained the many different types and talked about how he lost his leg to a mine. We were reading about the others that live and work there when one girl came up on a wheelchair and introduced herself - we we're reading about her! She had lost both legs to landmines and her family had to sell land they couldn't afford to lose to get her medical treatment....in the end her family grew to dsipise her because of this and she was forced out of the family home. She made it to the Land Mine Museum and she certainly seemed happy treating us to the beaming smile that all Cambodians seem to produce all the time.

As you can tell I'm loving Cambodia...Michelle is too I think but I'm not sure when her next post will be so you'll have to wait to hear from her direct....

Tomorrow we have a 6am start to get the boat to Battangong (I think?) which is described as the most picturesque boat trip in the country. We've seen some great views already so really looking forward to it. As you can imagine, Michelle loves the early starts...


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