Saturday, February 17, 2007

Language barrier...

We thought life was very easy in Mumbai as everyone speeks English, near enough, so we didn't bother to check that the film at the cinema was in English - the poster outside was and the title was so that was good enough for us. We had to leave after 5 minutes as it wasn't in English! That'll teach is for trying to learn about where we are...the film was about the Bombay bombings in the early 90s....

We're off to Ahmedabad tomorrow by train. Fingers crossed that the journey is a little easier than buying the would have thought we were applying to enter Buckingham Palace with explosives, the amount of effort it took to get train tickets. Why they needed our passport numbers, address here, address in the UK, date of birth, sex, receipt from the ATM machine to show our cash was bona fide, etc just to give us some train tickets I'm not quite sure. The woman behind the counter didn't have change so off she went to get some and came back 10 minutes later with a cup of tea - a slightly different perception of customer service than in the UK! The train journey is a mere 8 all being well the the next post will be from Ahmedabad...


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