Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Over and out...

This blog is going to come down in a week or two now that we're back. Although the comments have been few and far between, it seems people have read it...or maybe you are just good liars!

It looks like I've got a job starting 4th June and we'll be staying in my sister's flat in Putney until we get ourselves sorted...

If you are going to miss this blog, and you like cricket, you can always check out which is the cricket blog I've set up. Not everyone's cup of tea I know!

So our trip of a lifetime has ended and we have to get back to cold real life in England. Thank you again to any of you who helped us to finance the trip with your wedding gifts and see you all soon. Over and out.

And back to the cold of England...

And funny looking twenty pound notes!

Last pic in India


Well before we left we thought we'd treat ourselves to more swimming pool action in Kolva. We were just making sure that we were fully relaxed before coming back!!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Leaving later....

Had our last sunset on the beach last night and have sold our India Lonely Planet so we're all done and head off to catch a plane in a few hours.

I was hoping to put up a few pics of us lounging around the pool with palm trees all round it, but can't seem to upload images from here so will do that from the UK.

For the next 36 hours it's best to text Michelle's mobile if you need to contact us....I don't know the number!

See you in Blightey...

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sunning ourselves

A quick update for you....we've been in Colva for a couple of days now. Doing the same stuff, just in a different place, as our hotel has an even bigger swimming pool than the last one! It's extremely hot, so sometimes a bit too much like hard work sitting in the sun!

Back in the UK in 5 days and counting....

Sunday, May 06, 2007

No alcohol

Unless you zoom in on these images you won't be able to see, but these are a couple of news stories about the local elections here. They have over 70% turnout primarily because the candidates have normally offered various favours or goods in return for votes!

The authorities are worried about fighting before the elections and when the results are announced so we're only allowed to drink again tomorrow....they have enforced a 4 day dry period!

Having such a relaxing time here by the pool that we've decided to stay an extra couple of days....

Saturday, May 05, 2007

At one with nature....

We're just been relaxing really as we've got a nice place and it's too tempting to just sit by the pool! And this morning Michelle had a turn tomorrow. Well we've got to get as much relaxation in as possible before we come back!!

Look at these birds that have hatched just outside our room....

On Monday we're off to Colva which is north of here so nearer the airport....then one more stop in Punaji before we leave India for the UK....

Thursday, May 03, 2007


Paid for our reluctance to go on trains as there was some problem at Chennai airport when we came to Goa. This meant that after we got up at half 5 to catch our plane it didn't leave til the afternoon. Then the connecting flight from Bangalore was late too...

Got to the place we're staying in South Goa (forgotten the name sorry) too late, as there were only security at the place we wanted to stay, so we had to go down the road for a couple of days. Got to our chosen hotel today and will stay for another 3 nights before going to Kovla further north for a bit.
We have a birds nest outside our room and the mum doesn't seem concerned about humans at all....we even saw the final stages of one of the eggs hatching today and a tiny featherless bird come out! We stayed by the pool all day today (that was why it was our chosen hotel)....bliss.


Not much to do in Verkala except sit on the beach, or sit in the various restaurants and cafes relaxing....or watching TV as we had a TV in our room when there weren't storms causing it to cut out.... Michelle also spent a lot of time watching the frogs in the small pond outside our room - see pic. There were loads of big birds circling the cliffs where we stayed, which we assumed were eagles, hence that pic.

We did very little really enjoying relaxing, but we did swim in the sea twice which was pretty difficult as the waves were very big and you had to be very strong not to get pulled along the beach by the undertow....we normally ended up a way away from where we started!

The other thing to happen of note is that I left Michelle to have a coffee while I went to use the internet. Some nutter sat down and started preaching to her about finding herself. When I got back I just took the hotel key off her and made myself comfortable in the room assuming

she'd made a new friend....she got back 3 hours after the conversation started having only just managed to excuse herself! We then had to avoid him for the next few days til we left as he thought he'd made a new best friend....and the hotel staff told us he was "not normal"....

Back waters trip

Sorry about the radio silence. Here's a few pics of our trup around the backwaters of Kerala. it was all great - the food was excellent - until we tried to sleep without a fan....the room was stifling. We would have slept outside but one of the crew had taken the outside bed very we sweated for about 8 hours and then get up exhausted and a lot lighter!!

Made it to Kerala where we had had a tip off on a good hotel from Sarah and Martin so we went there and so needed a sleep that we were happy to pay double the normal amount we would - ended up staying 6 nights!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Getting worried....

Not posted anything for a few days I know, but basically we've been gone on a boat trip in the backwaters which involved a nights "sleep" that was the hottest we've ever endured and no sleep was had, and we're now in Varkala - very touristy and nice beach. But there's one problem....

....there are storms every night as the monsoon seems to have come early. This is seriously not good because it knocks the TV not only is the TV not working yet (a technician is working on it as I type), but when it does work again, the TV may stop working again if we have the usual evening storm. Why am I getting worried? In case anyone reading this didn't realise it's the world cup final tonight (cricket), starting in 1 hour 15 minutes. Michelle, it goes without saying, is not worried about the TV not working in the slightest!

The only saving grace is that I just met someone worse off...a mad Man U supporter. He wanted to watch the football which started 10 minutes ago but he can't as the TV isn't working. He is either sufficiently mad/loaded/committed (pick whichever you deem appropriate) that he went off to go and phone his mum and get her to leave the phone next to 5 live on the radio!!! Needless to say (or is it needless???), I won't be doing that for the cricket if the TV still isn't working....